Hi-Velocity HVS-24 2-Ton Inverter Variable Speed Heat Pump (2024)

Hi-Velocity HVS-24 2-Ton Inverter Variable Speed Heat Pump


  • HVS Series Inverter Drive Variable Speed Heat Pumps are ideally suited for any application.

  • When used with the HE-Z Series, the system modulates refrigerant flow and indoor air flow to precisely match output capacity to load.

  • The ability to match output capacity to load results in superior energy performance not just at the ANSI/AHRI Standard test conditions but right through the entire operational range.

  • Fixed speed and 2-staged condensing units are not well suited for constantly changing load requirements and multizone applications due to their inability to reduce capacity below 70%.

  • These systems overcome the problem by running the indoor fan at high flow rates and dumping or bypassing excess air.

  • This strategy wastes energy, reduces efficiencies and sacrifices comfort in exchange for a properly functioning system.

  • The HVS Variable Speed Heat Pump in conjunction with the HE-Z Series Air Handler solves this ongoing issue.

  • The outdoor unit (inverter) monitors indoor coil (evaporator) conditions to maintain a steady air off temperature.

  • No matter the load or number of zones open, the Variable Speed Heat Pump will adjust refrigerant flow or capacity to match these ever changing conditions.

General Features:

  • Easy Installation

  • Operating Temperature as low as -30°C/-22°F

  • Quiet Operation as low as 57dB

  • Energy Efficient Zoning

  • Provides better climate control than mini-splits without the unsightly cassettes in each room

  • Variable Speed Compressor allows for zoning with true efficiency

  • Patented interface allows integration with 3rd party air handlers

  • Inverter Drive Technology allows for capacity modulation as low as 20%

  • Side discharge fans for low profile cabinet

  • Variable speed fans & compressor greatly reduce noise

  • Smaller refrigerant line size than conventional equipment

  • No refrigerant staging required - automatically ramps up and down to match the actual load requirement

  • Eliminates the requirement for a dump or bypass of any kind when zoning the air-handler

  • Allows for line set lengths over 200 ft with a vertical rise of over 90 ft

  • No TXV installation required


Nominal Cooling Capacity

23,500 BTU

Operational Range (Cooling)

6,000-24,000 BTU

Nominal Heating Capacity

26,200 BTU

Operational Range (Heating)

6,950-27,800 BTU

Highest Variable Airflow

2,350 CFM

Lowest Variable Airflow

400 CFM

Power Supply

208 - 240 Volts - 1 Phase - 50/60 Hz

Nom. Full Load Amps


Min. Circuit Size (Amps)


Sound Pressure (dB) (A)


Soft Starter

Variable Frequency


Shipping Height (in.): 34”

Shipping Width (in.): 18”

Shipping Depth (in.): 42”

Shipping Weight: 155 lbs.


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    Hi-Velocity HVS-24 2-Ton Inverter Variable Speed Heat Pump (2024)
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    Author: Carlyn Walter

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    Name: Carlyn Walter

    Birthday: 1996-01-03

    Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

    Phone: +8501809515404

    Job: Manufacturing Technician

    Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.