Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD) on LinkedIn: Dear men, I do not come from a place of hate towards you, but a place of… (2024)

Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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Dear men,I do not come from a place of hate towards you, but a place of wanting to talk with and be heard by men that practice self-reflection and empathy and who are kind and non paternalistic. I have no energy to write a longer post on what is happening in dearest Australia at the moment. One because I'm on Holidays and two because as a survivor of child sexual abuse which was also gendered based, it is a real struggle.Between the very clearly gendered mass murder of six women and Brittany Higgins rape survivor story, and the ongoing murders and rape of women and girls in our society (not even talking about the ongoing systemic sexism that is part of our body and mind) women are exhausted. I beg you to please check in with yourself, with your best mates, brothers, sons, cousins, male colleagues, and ask them and reflect with them "what should we do about this, what can we do". I beg you to educate and apply yourself on what it means to be safe and inclusive of all women. There are so many free resources out there published by diverse feminist organisations, including, booklets, books, fact sheets etc. If you use Chatgpt please include in the prompt "take an intersectional feminist lens to that answer" because AI is sexist and 'ist' in many other ways. I beg you to please do the work, start today. You are actually a huge part of the solution.



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Shannon Miller

Father, Researcher, Social Worker, Family Violence Specialist and Advocate for addressing Gender Based Violence


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The double edged sword for me is as a by product of the views I hold, interests I have. Most of my friends and colleagues are female.But I will get up tomorrow and work towards a safer Australia and gender equality in the hope of seeing better outcomes in my lifetime and confident my son will do the same in the coming years.

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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    L’impact des JOP de #Paris2024 sur les victimes du sport français en quête de justice et la violence symbolique de l’institution sportive sont bien réels. Comme certains d’entre vous le savent, depuis plusieurs années je lutte pour que la FFBB prenne une sanction disciplinaire contre le coach qui m'a agressé lorsque j’étais mineure (et qui entraine toujours). Il a été condamné en 2010 par le tribunal pour abus sexuels sur mineure, j'ai donc pensé que cela serait relativement simple. Ce n'était pas le cas. En 2020, j'ai signalé à la Fédération Française de Basket que l'entraîneur incriminé exerçait toujours dans leur sport. Cette affaire est maintenant entre les mains des autorités administratives françaises, car FFBB n'a pas pris de mesure d'interdiction à l'égard de cet entraîneur, malgré sa condamnation par le tribunal.En raison du traitement par la FFBB de mon affaire, l'administration délocalisée a été contrainte de lancer une nouvelle enquête, similaire à une enquête policière, au cours de laquelle j'ai dû répéter en détail mon histoire. Mes parents, ainsi qu'une amie de mon équipe de l'époque qui avait également été agressée sexuellement par lui alors qu'elle était jeune adulte, ainsi qu'un autre parent bénévole, ont été appelés à témoigner à nouveau.Tout cela s'est produit tout au long de l'année 2023 et ma propre audience a eu lieu en novembre 2023. On m'a dit que la commission disciplinaire se réunirait fin janvier/février 2024 pour décider si l'entraîneur devait être interdit de travailler dans des organisations encadrant des enfants et des jeunes. J'ai fait suivre mi-février, et on me dit que la commission sera retardée jusqu'à fin mars/avril. J'ai fait suivre cette semaine et j'ai reçu un mail aujourd'hui indiquant : "la période indiquée (pour la commission) n'est plus d'actualité compte tenu du contexte Olympique dans notre département. Nous ferons le maximum pour que la commission puisse se dérouler avant l'été" (je n'ai aucun espoir vu que l'impact des Jeux vas'intensifier). Je suis incapable de décrire pleinement la violence de cette réponse et la profondeur de ce que je ressens. C'est comme une nouvelle trahison pour moi. Cela envoie un message clair : les Jeux et les Anneaux Olympiques sont apparemment plus importants que la dignité des victimes du sport français, plus importants que la protection des sportifs actuels. Mon histoire n’est pas grand-chose comparée à celle des familles qui ont été déplacées de leur foyer tout au long de l’histoire des Jeux, au nom des Anneaux. Elle souligne cependant à quel point l’organisation des Jeux et l’institution sportive blessent et trahissent les survivants/survivantes du sport, encore et encore.


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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    Impact of the #Paris2024 Games on French survivors seeking justice; the symbolic violence of the sporting institution is real. As some of you know, I have been fighting to hold the coach who abused me as a child to account within the sporting system in France (as I found out he continued to coach). He already has a court conviction for being a child sexual abuse perpetrator for what it did to me (dated 2010), so I thought it would be relatively straightforward. It wasn't.My report to the French Federation of Basketball in 2020 letting them know the coach was still working with their sport is still an ongoing procedure, now with the French State, another investigative level, because the French Federation of Basketball failed to ban the coach (yes, despite the court conviction). Because of how France Basketball treated my case, the local administration level in France had to basically redo an investigation (a bit like a police one) where I had to retell every detail of my story, again. My parents, a friend from the team at the time who was sexually assaulted by him as a young adult, and another parent-volunteer were called to testify again. All this happened throughout 2023 with my own hearing happening in November 2023. I was told that the disciplinary commission would meet end January/February 2024 to take a decision as to whether the coach should be banned from working in youth organisations. I followed up mid Feb, when I was told the commission would be delayed to the end of March/ April. I followed-up this week and received an e-mail today stating: "because of the Olympic Games-related activities in the local council area, the commission has been delayed and we will do our best to meet before the summer" (I have no hope this will be the case considering the Games are in July).I don't have the proper words to detail the level of violence of this response and how much it is felt at the deepest core of my being. The best I can articulate it is that it feels like another betrayal. It feels to me like the Games and the Olympic brand are indeed more important than my years long fight for justice, but also and more importantly, the protection of current sport participants. My story is not comparable to the families that were displaced from their homes throughout the history of the Games for the sake of the Olympic brand. It does highlight though how hosting the Games, and the sporting institution hurts and betrays sport survivors, again and again and again.



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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    CW - This woman was the safeguarding lead. This is a very sad reminder for everyone to assume nothing when it comes to the protection of children. My thoughts to the survivor and her support system.

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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    This is very disturbing statistics and should be a wake up call for the university sector.



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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    Having to prove to judges, to a court or to organisational integrity units and its managers that you were in fact sexually abused as a child is one of the most violent experiences one can go through, and often why some survivors say it is worse than the actual abuse. The betrayal of the institution is incredibly harmful: we are essentially not believed until we prove otherwise to the very institution that was the one supposed to protect us.


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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    Merci infiniment Tracey Holmes une grande journaliste sportive et porteuse de la flemme olympique d'avoir donné la parole à Haïfa Tlili. La France et particulièrement le basket ne représentent pas les valeurs du sport pour toutes. #baskerpourtoutes Merci de soutenir la pétition 👇🏼


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  • Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD)

    Researcher SafeSport participation/ Child abuse prevention in sport | Survivor-Advocate of CSA in community sport.

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    "In order for discussions to have a chance at actually addressing the problem, white people in the Global North could take the unfamiliar step of removing themselves from the centre of these discussions. And to realise, when they speak, that they are not objective observers from a distance, just beings who have had the privilege of never having their purported race lead to debates about the level of their own humanity." Brilliant piece and important read - particularly for white people from Victoria University colleagues Matthew Klugman and Christopher C. Sonn

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Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD) on LinkedIn: Dear men,I do not come from a place of hate towards you, but a place of… (32)

Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD) on LinkedIn: Dear men,I do not come from a place of hate towards you, but a place of… (33)


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Aurélie Pankowiak (PhD) on LinkedIn: Dear men,
I do not come from a place of hate towards you, but a place of… (2024)
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